Donna McGee

Donna McGee (
Donna McGee, artist painter and teacher, BA, McGill University, MFA Art History, Concordia University, Montreal.
Bilingual, native Montrealer. I love my incredibly dynamic, culturally rich, and sometimes frustrating orange cone city. There is always something interesting going on!
I love the exchange of ideas that is part of my environment -- it feeds my work in abstraction. I teach equally passionate people about art: the techniques in acrylic, watercolour, and drawing, formal concepts, and showing examples from art history and generally trying to help them find their own voice in their art.
Since I teach, I experiment. My media are acrylic, watercolour and collage or mixed media. I invite you to take a look.
I am an intuitive painter. My work often begins with an idea which I express with my own symbolism. In the case of my pandemic paintings, though, they started with colour thrown on gesturally. The work has to stand on its own.
Pigment properties in watercolour and acrylic and the various viscosities available to us in acrylic paint and mediums are part of my inspiration.